Colegio Adoratrices

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

Preschool! First Aid Kit! Kids and Miss Marianella WELL DONE!!! WOW!


Let`s have FUN in English celebrating 4th Green Formers` BIRTHDAYS!


4th Green, Project Work on Natural Science: `Let`s save Water`. GREAT JOB!! Kids and Miss Sol, Congratulations!!! WELL DONE!!


AT LAST! PET - PRE FCE - FCE 1 - FCE 2 and the CAE are in action!! BREAK A LEG!


4th form, Project Work on Social Studies: Medieval Times! Great Job! Kids and Miss Martina Congratulations! WELL DONE!!


7th form, Project Work on Social Studies: Prehistory vs History. Excellent Jobs!! Kids and Miss Eugenia Congratulations! Keep on working


FCE for School! Santiago Petruzzo, 4th-year student!! The School and the teachers are very Proud of you!! Congratulations!!




Vía Crucis